Wireless Sensor Technologies, professional solutions for IoT market.

SensoWave is a brand name of Wireless Sensor Technologies S.L., a Spanish company based in Madrid since 2013. It is specialized in HW&SW solutions for IoT market.

This technological company aims to improve safety and efficiency in sectors like industry and farming by providing innovative solutions based on IoT (Internet of Things) and Big Data Analysis.

The founding members have been working together since 2008, developing hardware and software platforms. They are passionate about technology and their mission is to help people in daily lives by creating new products and services.

Wireless Sensors Technologies provides solutions to new problems as a result of population aging, rising energy costs, and concerns about residential security. The mission is to bring people new technologies like:

  • wireless sensors
  • IoT networks
  • web & mobile apps
  • wearable devices

Using new tools like OpenData, Big Data analysis, FIWARE platform compliancy, the company wish to improve quality of life, peace of mind, extending the time to enjoy an independent life. To achieve it, WST offers several products and services.

SensoWave Professional Solutions is a suite of product lines dedicated to improve safe and competitive processes in the following sectors:

  • Assisted Living Care and eHealth
  • Precision Livestock Farming. DIGITANIMAL allows to know where animals are at all times, that is, it is possible to forget about turning around trying to locate cattle. STEPLA is the first ICT service platform for extensive breeding farms full management that offers location, monitoring, and traceability capabilities to locate livestock individuals in real time.
  • Smart Industry. VardiaN is a Platform of Personal Protective Wearables and Big Data Analysis, it deals with Early Detection and Emergency Management.

Meet Wireless Sensors Technologies!