The challenges

The agri-food chain is facing several challenges: climate change, European and national regulations, increase of production costs (input, energy, fuel), and environment protection.

For this reason, the digitization process of farms becomes necessary for a sustainable agri-food chain.

Thanks to Agricolus’ digital tools you can achieve these results

Thanks to Agricolus’ digital tools you can achieve these results

Agricoltore con tablet che sta esaminando i progressi del raccolto nel suo campo di mais, sullo sfondo un impianto di irrigazione

We established important partnership with companies working on enhancing the agri-food chain:


The advantages of digitization with Agricolus

Agricolus has been recognized by the United National Global Compact as one of the companies promoting sustainable development of the agri-food chain worldwide.

The use of the platform by farms contributes to the achievement of some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Reducing the environmental impact

  • Yield and prescription maps to increase production

  • Forecast models for fertilization and irrigation to reduce inputs

  • Forecast models for diseases and harmful insects for a prudent use of agrochemicals

  • Weather data from sensors and forecasts to implement preventive measures

Optimize farm’s management costs

  • Satellite imagery and vegetation indices to identify space-time variability and optimize in-field activities

  • Decision Support System (DSS) to reduce the inputs used

  • Task management to simplify the workflow

Improve the quality of food

  • Digital tools and machinery connection for traceability of the agri-food chain

  • Smart scouting with App to geolocate crop damages