Premio Food4Future – FoodTech Innovation Awards 2023 and 2024

Food4Future – Expo Foodtech is held every year in Bilbao. The event brings together professionals, avant-gardists and revolutionaries in the agrifood sector, with the aim of bringing together new ideas to advance the global transition towards efficient and sustainable food systems.

Agricolus, for the 2023 and 2024 editions, was awarded the Foodtech Innovation Awards for the category: “The most innovative solution on digitalization for the food and beverage industry”.

Call for Ideas

Satellite data represent an added value for the Agrifood-Tech sector that affects several actors along the supply chain: starting from the first mile, where remote crop scouting is a very useful tool for farmers.

Agricolus was selected as the winner and runner-up of the Call for Ideas “Space-Innovation for Agrifood-Tech: from Space to the Supply Chain”, launched by the E. Amaldi Foundation, ESA Space Solutions and ESA Business Application for Italy.

FoodTech Award Startup Forum 2021

As part of the 2021 edition of Food 4 Future, the Expo FoodTech Startup Forum was held to find out startups whose solutions will impact the food supply chain.

Among the 2000 startups in the sector, 200 applications were received and 20 companies were selected to present their pitch. Among them was Agricolus, which won the Startup Forum’s first prize with the opportunity to participate in an acceleration program.

Global Agripreneurs Summit 2019

The Global Agripreneurs Summit is a major international event where innovators and agrifood leaders from around the world work together to help spread innovations and push agriculture as a sustainable source of economic growth and development.

The Summit hosts the Future Agro Challenge: the Agripreneurship Olympics in which cutting edge solutions from all over the world compete to win the title of “Agripreneur of the Year”. Agricolus was awarded the award for best team 2019.

ANGI National Award 2018

The Associazione Nazionale Giovani Innovatori (ANGI) is the first national non-profit organization entirely dedicated to the world of innovation. The Association’s mission is to present itself in Italy and around the world as a point of reference for development in all its forms.

In 2018 Agricolus received the award for the AgTech category, one of the eleven award winning categories, for a total of twenty two young companies: the top managers of large Italian and international corporations presented the awards.

Gaetano Marzotto Prize 2018

The Gaetano Marzotto Prize is among the activities promoted by the Progetto Marzotto Association, founded in 2010 and inspired by the figure of Gaetano Marzotto. The Award is aimed at new entrepreneurs whose main objective is to make innovation, business and society coexist, opening a path oriented towards open innovation and internationalisation.

For the 2018 edition Agricolus was awarded the CAPITOL ONE SPECIAL AWARD | COPERNICO | MARZOTTO VENTURE ACCELERATOR within the “Award from idea to business” category.

Start To Be Circular 2017

The “Start to Be Circular” call, promoted by the Bracco Foundation, the Giuseppina Mai Foundation of Confindustria and Banca Prossima, is an initiative created to promote the transition in favor of sustainable growth, through innovative entrepreneurial initiatives and dedicated to startups engaged in circular economy.

125 startups from 16 italian regions applied for the call, including Agricolus, which ranked in third place, winning an incubation program at Speed ​​Mi Up, the incubator of Bocconi University, the Milan Chamber of Commerce and the Municipality of Milan, including training, tutoring and consultancy services.

Startup Europe Awards 2017

Startup Europe Awards 2017 is an international competition promoted by the European Community and the Finnova Foundation with the aim of stimulating innovation and collaboration between the different actors of the European ecosystem, through public and private partnerships in support of entrepreneurs..

The italian call was aimed at all the startups belonging to the following categories: Creative, Energy, Fintech, Green, e-Health, IoT, Smart Cities, Social Innovation, Tourism, Water, Agritech, Legal, Space, Cyber security, Climate, Fashion, Edtech and Gastronomy. Agricolus was the winner for the Agritech category.

Forum PA 2017

For the 2017 edition, held at the “La Nuvola di Roma” conference center, FORUM PA chose as its guiding theme the role that public administrations can and must have in building economic and social development that guarantees fair and sustainable well-being.

Agricolus was selected among the 100 projects positively evaluated by the Quality Jury for the Award 10×10 = 100 projects to change the PA initiative at the FORUM PA Challenge 2017.

Scilla Startup 2017

In its third edition, the initiative promoted by the Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria del Sud in collaboration with associations that promote innovation, aims to give startups and SMEs an opportunity to get in touch with investors and potential partners to accelerate their growth.

Agricolus was selected for the AgroFood category, receiving training and feedback from qualified coaches and industry experts.

Future Food 2016

Digital Magics, in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo, launched “Future Food” in 2016: Call for Innovation aimed at all startups that develop original products and innovative business in the Food and Agri-food sector.

Agricolus was selected among the 16 projects.

Startup Europe Awards 2016

StartUp Europe is an initiative of the European Commission, one of the most important pillars of the “Digital Single Market” strategy.

Agricolus, thanks to its innovative decision support project, was awarded the prize offered by EBAN, the pan-European organization representing “early stage” investors present in over 150 organizations in over 50 countries.

Also received the IBN award, offered by IAG, Italian Angels for Growth, one of the largest networks of Italian business angels.

Mobile World Congress 2016

The Mobile World Congress is the largest global meeting for the mobile industry, organized by the GSMA in Barcelona.

Agricolus was the only Italian company among the 3 selected to present itself at the GSMA showcase.