Interview with Andrea Pedrazzini, Technical Manager & Field Marketing Specialist North of Diachem S.P.A.


Diachem S.p.A.


Caravaggio (BG)


Products Agrochemicals and agronutrients

The company

Diachem is an Italian company that has been in the field of technical means to support agricultural activity for more than sixty years. Through its historical brands Chimiberg (agropharmaceuticals) and Diagro (agronutrients), more recently joined by Pireco (a Dutch company specialized in the production of formulations based on plant extracts), it offers integrated solutions for crop defense and nutrition.

One of Diachem’s core values is to strongly believe in an evolved agriculture, capable of living in dynamic balance between the knowledge of traditions and the stimulus of innovation.

What were your needs before learning about Agricolus?

Our goal was to work alongside incumbent and new clients, putting our expertise, agronomic experiences and decision-making tool support (DSS) at their complete disposal, including through the use of forecast models, in order to optimize the defense and nutrition strategies to be adopted in the field.

How did you learn about Agricolus?

Among the platforms analyzed, we decided to start a collaboration project with Agricolus through the use of digital solutions aimed at improving farm management.

In fact, in a single tool we have the ability to provide remote sensing services, field monitoring support and forecasting models for the main phytopathological adversities of grapevine (GrapeDSS), olive (OLIWES) and corn (MaysDSS).

Benefits reported

As of 2018, we have involved several consultant agronomists, private farms, and major cooperatives coordinating numerous technicians across the country.

The project has progressed over the years and we currently offer Diachem customers a customized Agricolus platform with multiple innovative features.

Your take on Agriculture 4.0

The synergy between Italian companies has made it possible to increase the use of precision agriculture by providing support for technical activity in the field and combining the targeted use of agrochemicals and agronutrients with DSS, thus enhancing Made in Italy production.
So-called “Agriculture 4.0” is the way to achieve greater productivity and environmental sustainability.
Thanks to the use of digital tools, such as the Internet of Things and Data Analytics, it is indeed possible to integrate and analyze data from the field and previously isolated from sensors and any other third-party source.

This provides the farmer with the knowledge and support to make more informed decisions for his or her business and relationship with others in the supply chain.
We are committed to building processes that promote sustainability, and this is not the time to take solutions away from the farmer but to offer, through integrated delivery, new and innovative technical means.

Andrea Pedrazzini

Technical Manager & Field Marketing Specialist North, Diachem S.P.A.

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